Late summer. Such a cutey.

Saturday, April 16, 2011

April Showers

Hi everyone!  It's been a long time again for me to get back to blogging.  The April showers have mostly been snow and we're pretty sick of it.  Grace continues to change and is growing so fast.  I can't believe how much bigger she looks sometimes.  We were sick a LOT this winter so hoping that will turn around. Dan calls Gracie the germ "transporter".

We still haven't taken her in for the second minor surgery on her mouth. It is supposed to be an in-office thing but we were insanely busy through the winter & just not quite up to the idea yet.  She also has a cavity, which isn't surprising because her teeth are pretty messed up w/ the palate issue.  Her teeth didn't look good from when we first got her.

She loves being outside still and so with spring coming, that can happen more often.  We took a little trip to Oregon over spring break to see the grandparents and aunts/uncles/cousins.  It was a nice break and she loved the green grass.

We have some other trips planned to see family this spring and early summer.  She is Miss demanding, let me tell you - so just sitting down doing this has me about ripping my hair out.  Josh gave her some cookie cereal (health food) so that should keep her happy for awhile.  Her night terrors have subsided but we still have some bad nights - last night being one of them.  We are working on some "life skills" of playing alone for small amounts of time!  This is not a skill she is highly adept at yet!!!  The boys continue to do so well with her and she's very attached to them.  Her and Snickers, the choc lab, have become pals. Gracie lays on Snickers and gives her dolls or medicine. Snickers is a big teddy bear and really the only pet that will hold still when the "G-force" is nearby!  Well, lots to do today!  Her very first Easter celebration is coming up and I already have her dress ready to go.  So fun!