Late summer. Such a cutey.

Saturday, October 29, 2011

Fall 2011!!

I'm kind of embarrassed that 6 months have gone by but I have 4 - well actually 5,  good excuses (counting Dan).  I thought I would mainly add pictures.  Grace is sleeping right now. She had her 2nd surgery to repair her palate on Thursday.  It looks so good!  There is just a small opening left & she won't need surgery again until she is about 8. (Our dentist told me she was a better patient than her mother and it's soooo true!) She has made huge strides in all areas - attachment, language, behavior etc.  Her speech is still pretty delayed but this last surgery should help with that.  She goes to some childcare and also to a couple hours of preschool & 1/2 hr speech therapy each week.

Gracie is three now.  She could be potty-trained completely but we haven't worked on it much w/ all the other adjustments she has had to make.  Should be completely trained here soon.  We had a great summer w/ camping, swimming at  the lake, and visits from relatives.  Went on a trips to Arizona, Oregon, & Alaska to see family.  In early October we went to Yellowstone for a few days.  She is a really good traveler- although long drives are not her favorite... & therefore not ours either.  Recently she has begun to want to come home more than she used to, which I think is a great sign of feeling secure and settled.  Night terrors are much improved.  We still have a lot of issues like her over-the-top demand for my attention all the time but all issues are fading from the forefront.Better get to the pictures!  Please leave a post and I'll try to get in touch again with some of you as I've lost a few emails!

Ben, Dan, & Josh on 25 mile cross-country hike

Could this sweet thing ever be bratty????

Pre-surgery.  She knew something was up this time but what a trooper!!

So glad this is the last surgery for her for awhile.

Aunt Heidi is the best story reader!

Hey - these army helmets come in handy, even at the store!

Grandpa's snap-pockets on his shirt were quite captivating and good stuff is kept in those pockets too.

"Go, Go Gracie"  Happy 3rd birthday!

Rockin out w/ Josh

Aunt Lisa has a way fun house and lots of nearby exciting escalators (in the malls). 

Fishin on Uncle Brian's boat in Alaska.  Don't even think about taking this life jacket off me.  I love buckles.

4th of July parade watching